
New North Press: A23D A 3D-printed letterpress font

A pro­ject by friends at the New North Press pro­du­cing a pro­to­type 3D-print­ing let­ter­press font: second link down.


Spitalfields Life: New North Press at Wiltons Music Hall

Richard Ard­agh At Wilton’s Music Hall via. Spit­al­fields Life Design­er, Typo­graph­er & Print­er, Richard Ard­agh of New North Press in Hox­ton has col­lab­or­ated with the pupils of Big­land School in Stepney to cre­ate these splen­did let­ter­press signs for Wilton’s Music Hall, telling tales of its col­our­ful his­tory. Prin­ted with wood blocks and met­al type onto book…

New North Press, London

New North Press, London