Adana QH

“The ulti­mate Adana flatbed”

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“The ulti­mate Adana flat­bed” is how Bob Richard­son describes the Adana QH (which is also referred to as the Adana HQ). The machine is cap­able of a large print­ing area (9.75″ x 7.25″) but speed of out­put is slow. This dis­suaded the job­bing print­er from using this machine; but it was taken up by art col­leges and those wish­ing to exper­i­ment. John Ryder’s ‘Print­ing for Pleas­ure’ makes a great case for the QH — the flat bed allows sim­pler lock­ing-up; and for ink­ing to be car­ried out select­ively. There are many who con­sider the ink­ing mech­an­ism inad­equate and remove the arms to allow hand-ink­ing by roller.

The Adana series of flat­bed machines began in 1922, and the QH was the last in that series. The imme­di­ate pre­de­cessor of the QH was the ‘QFB-1945’. The QH ini­tially came out in 1949 without an ink­ing disc, and a single, large roller. By 1957 this was phased out in favour of a rotat­ing ink disc and two smal­ler rollers. Adana dis­con­tin­ued the machine in 1985.

The QH has a num­ber of refine­ments: there screw in the back of the platen pre­vents too much force being applied to the forme; and an eccent­ric rod at the hinged end allows for adjust­ment to cre­ate a level print­ing sur­face. The press is com­monly called the Adana HQ, but the firm­’s cata­logues state that the machine is called the ‘Adana QH’.

These machines are more sought-after and appear on the mar­ket less fre­quently than Adana’s ver­tic­al platen machines.